Product Description: All-natural turpentine for thinning plant-oil based ProNature Products:
ProNature Outdoor, ProNature Indoor, ProNature Rock, ProNature Waxes.
Ideal turpentine for artists’ oil paintings.
Area of Use:
- Use for the degreasing of substrates before application of oil-based products
- removal of wax deposits
- cleaning all your brushes, rollers, equipment, and surfaces.
Ingredients: Gum turpentine
TVOC (total volatile organic content) = 865.50 g/litre
Storage / Shelf Life: The product can be kept for a minimum of 24 months in unopened containers.
Store in a cool and frost-free place.
Package Sizes: 500ml, 1l, 5l
Disposal: Dried product residues can be composted or disposed of with domestic waste material. DO NOT empty liquid residues into drains. Return empty tins for recycling.
Caution: ProNature Gum Turpentine is flammable. Flashpoint of approximately 48 ˚C.
May produce ignitable fumes during application.
Keep away from open flames and any source of ignition.
Ventilate well.